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Jesus Calmed the Storm
Jesus Calmed the Storm

We need great help in a great crisis. Great help requires  a great helper who is bigger than our crisis
Jesus Christ is bigger than every and all crisis put together, as Mark 6:45 - 52 shows.
Jesus calmed the mighty storm that was threatening the lives of His disciples.

Give Him control of your crisis.


God Satisfies

People searches for satisfaction more than anything else in life. This is the reason why people take drugs, over eat, indulge in sex, go to all kinds of entertainments, engage in sports etc. But ultimate satisfaction does not come from these things. Psalm 103:5 says, God "Satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."{English Standard Version} So it is clear that God wants us to be satified but not everything satisfies, only the good things of God.

The greatest satisfaction of all is being in spiritual fellowship with God. Psalm 16:11 states, "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore"(English Standard Version). Take note that the path of life is the Good life that comes from God; when you are serving Him. You must also recognise that the joyful life in Christ's presence, and the good things of God that satisfies us renew our life like youth. Renew means to renovate, rejuvinates or to be made young again.

I encourage you to live in fellowship with Jesus Christ by letting him be your savior and Lord. And also by apprpreating the good things in this life that He provides for you.

I bless you in Jesus' name as you do so.

Thursday, June 16 2016
Pass Your Test

A person could begin their life very nagative but ending it very positive. Jacob is a good example, he started his life as a deceiver but ended it as a prophet and priest. 

When Jacob began his life he prosuaded his brother to sell him his birthright for a bowl of food although he could have given him freely. He then deceived his father and stole his brother's blessings, which belonged to him as the firstborn son. This evil cause him to run away from home for twenty years to save his life. During that period he suffered greatly at the hands of his uncle and cousins. Through those experiences God trained him to become a better person. Later on he lost his beloved son, Joseph, for over twenty years during which time he suffered again greatly. Famine finally caused him to go to Egypt to live the rest of his life. 

By that time he had developed into both a prophet and a priest. As a priest he blessed Pharaoah, regarded as possiblely, the greatest leader on earth at that time. By blessing Pharaoah he demonstrated that he was greater than Pharaoah, because the bible says, in Hebrews 7:7 that, as a rule, "The lesser person is blessed by the greater."  As a prophet he prophesied over his twelve sons, predicting what would happen to their respective tribes. 

What we have seen is that Jacobs past did not determine his future. He started badly but ended his life as a great man of God. The principle is, your past does not determine your future. Therefore, no matter how bad your life has been you can end your life as a great person of God. But you must go through the process that God has ordained to train you to become great. To go through your training you must learn from your experiences and pass your tests. PASS YOUR TEST!!!

Posted by: Seaton Wilson AT 04:37 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

Thursday, 16 June 2016
Thursday, 02 June 2016
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Wednesday, 01 October 2014
Monday, 08 September 2014

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